domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010


At the same time when you are picking up flowers in Portugal we have about 20 cm of snow in Poland. It's so cold (even 25 centigrades under the 0) that we do not go for a walk outside. But our teacher made a suprise for us. She brought a snow to the class :

When it's really cold and when you walk you can hear how snow is squeaking under your shoes.
Do you want to hear it? Guess on which audio (1 or 2) boy is walking slowly and on which one (1 or 2) boy is running.

W tym samym czasie gdy w Portugalii dzieci zrywają kwiaty w Polsce jest 20 centymetrów śniegu
. Jest tak zimno (nawet 25 poniżej 0) , że nie możemy wychodzićna spacery. Ale nasza pani zrobiła nam niespodziankę. Przyniosła śnieg do sali:

Film drugi i trzeci to nagrane odgłosy skrzypiącego śniegu. Dzieci mają odgadnąć po dźwięku na którym filmie chłopiec idzie powoli a na którym biegnie.

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

As soon as the rain stopped...

It almost seemed the story of "Three bears" ...
For two weeks it rained incessantly.
Sebastião only made roguery, Maria scolded with her friends, Margarida and Guilherme were crying for everything and anything, André chattered incessantly, Diogo was hidding under the table and Mauro laied down on the floor, with their legs up. .. we were all really bored ... And the rain never stop ...
Until today ...
This morning the rain stopped and the sun peeked a little, still very weak, through the clouds. What joy!
We put on our coats and we decided to walk to our secret garden.
Do you want to know how was it?

It was a beatiful walk.
We miss spring so much!...

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010


Many years ago in polish villages there was a tradition that during christmas time young people were going from home to home with christmas wishes. They were always disguised. Someone was an angel someone was disguised as a devil. There was someone as a king and someone as a shepard. Rest of them had traditional polish folk clothes. They were going with a star and with Turoń (somekind of animal). They were singing carols, showing some scenes about Christ birthday.
We would like to remember that tradition so we invited our Families and presented them our play. After that one of our fathers read a part of a Holy Bible , we were sharing a christmas wafer and eating a traditional christmas food. We felt like a one big family.

PL: Wiele lat temu na polskich wsiach była tradycja ,że w okresie świątecznym młodzi ludzie chodzili od domu do domu z życzeniami. Zawsze byli przebrani. Był anioł, diabeł. Ktoś był królem, ktoś inny pastuszkiem. Chodzili z gwiazdą i turoniem. Śpiewali kolędy i przedstawiali krótkie sceny z narodzin Chrystusa.
Chcieliśmy przypomnieć tą tradycję więc zaprosiliśmy nasze Rodziny i pokazaliśmy im nasze przedstawienie. Potem jeden z naszych tatusiów przeczytał fragment Pisma Świętego. Dzieliliśmy się opłatkiem i jedliśmy tradycyjne potrawy świąteczne. Czuliśmy się jak jedna duża rodzina.

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010

In 2010...

In 2010...
We meet our friends ...
Reborn complicity ...
We reveal secrets ...
We cross bridges ...
We pose for the press ...
We receive news from our Polish friends ...
We create new stars ...
We found new friends ...
We make our king crowns ...
and sing tradition january kings song ...
... and happelly return in the classroom!

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010

We had a party for our Star / mieliśmy przyjęcie dla Gwiazdy

PL: Podpisy pod zdjęciami :

1. szary papier jako obrus,
2. flamastry by było bardziej kolorowo,
3. teraz czas na coś do jedzenia,
4. trzy kasztany jako czekoladki i dwa puzzle jako ciastka.Ile to jest?
5.dwie kostki jako cukier i cztery figury geometryczne jako chrupki,
6. Ile jest teraz?
7.Pomożecie nam?
8. Dobra robota! teraz czas na prawdziwe przyjęcie. Smacznego i bawcie się dobrze :)))

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010

A special star...

Last tuesday, after our gimnastic lesson we decided to make a special star... Do you want to see what materials we use? Is a special material, just as our star...

Terça feira passada , depois da nossa aula de ginástica, decidimos construir uma estrela especial... Sabem que material usámos? Usámos um material especial, tão especial como a nossa estrela...