quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

The legend of the moon and the sea... a Portuguese story...

Portugal is the western territory of Europe, is located at southwest of Europe in the ocidental area of Iberic Peninsula. It has total area of 92.092 km and is between Spain and the Atantic Ocean.It has a large seaside coast and one of the oldest and traditional occupation is fishing.
"The legend of the moon and the sea" is an ancient oral legend, told by fishermen while they were sewing there nets.
During the 19th century a Portuguese writer, Raul Brandão, son and grand-son of fishermen, wrote about the life in sea, and in one of his books, told the legend that he used to heard when, as a boy, we was working with his famely at the beach.
We use his words to make the story that explains, in a very naif way, the phases of the moon and the tides.
We also used power point, some photos researched with the help of children´s families, drawings using predefined shapes in paint, some images from clip art, and some research done in the classroom.
This is our story. We hope you like it!
We wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Maria and children from the kindergarden of S.Bento, Valejas, Lisbon

Now in Portuguese...

Portugal é o mais ocidental território da Europa, situado no sudoeste Europeu na Peninsula Ibérica. Tem uma área total de 92.092 Km e está entre Espanha e o Oceano Atlantico. Tem uma grande costa maritima e uma das mais antigas e tradicionais profissões é a pesca.
"A lenda da Lua e do Mar" é uma lenda contada oralmente pelas gentes do mar, enquanto cuidavam das redes.
Durante o sec. XIX, um escritor Português, Raul Brandão, Filho e neto de pescadores, escreveu sobre a vida no mar e, num dos seus livros, recontou a lenda que ouvia em criança.
Nós usamos as suas palavras para construir a história, que, dum modo muito simplista, explica as fases da lua e as marés.
Montámos o Power point com algumas imagens encontradas com a ajuda das famílias, imagens desenhadas recorrendo ao paint, algumas imagens do clip art, e alguma pesquisa feita na sala de aula.
esta é a nossa história, Esperamos que gostem!
Bom Ano Novo
Luz e crianças do JI de S. Bento, Valejas, Lisboa

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2009

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

From us, to you...

With all our love and hope of a peaceful christmas, an universal story.
Merry christmas!!!

During the experimental fligth, Santa cames here...

Yes, He cames!
Sometime ago, when we were playing in our playground, Santa passed on the sreet and toold us that, if we behave weel, perhaps He could pass in our school during the nigth of 17...
As we have made a good effort to be good friends, we prepared his comming, just in case of...
And in the next moning...

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009

First story

We want to tell You some legend which we show to our Twinkle:

segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2009

Making the Crib

The figures are ready so it is time to make our crib. We put our coats and go for a long walk to find useful things to make the crib.
Do you want to see what hapened?

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009

Sleeping Beauty

We make stars...

My children made stars. They had gotten materials and made it by themselves. They had a lot of ideas...

domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2009

From Portugal - Preparing Christmas

Christmas is arriving and friends are always present in our hearts.
In this special time we want to share with you a little piece of our christmas.

We wish you a Merry Chritmas and we hope that it will arrive full of good things, all those that you want.

Maria and children of Valejas kindergarden, Lisbon, Portugal